I don't use food pyramids in my practice simply because I am trying to show my clients how to improve their health and weight with food and I have never believed the traditional food pyramid will do that. But now a new food pyramid hash it the block😃 Check out the link below for a great little video on the new food pyramid! http://mobile.news.com.au/lifestyle/food/sugar-and-junk-food-all-but-disappear-from-the-iconic-food-pyramid-as-soba-noodles-tofu-and-quinoa-make-their-debut/story-fneuz8wn-1227359804429
I am putting together a group of 10 mums for a weight management and health program. The group will be held during the day in the clinic in Castlebar, Co Mayo. Contact me for your place. So why is it different? Well you can bring the children if you need to. It will be a healthy eating plan that the whole family can use. It will boost your health as well as balance your weight. The plan will be tailored to you. You won't be hungry. It is simple natural food. But the added bonus is if we have time we can talk about the kids too. Any questions you have about how to feed them better, their childhood issues and simple remedies. The plan is 3 months meeting every week as a group for 1 hour. The price is €150 for the complete plan and sessions. If you or anyone you know would like to be part of the group please tag them in the comments or share this post with them. Once I have 10 in the group we will begin. Contact me if you have any questions This is one of my all time favourite breakfast, especially this time of year.
Bircher is a traditional German breakfast. It is easy to digest, filling, tastes great and packed with nutrients. So how do you make it? Take a cup of oats, add some raisins, nuts and seeds, then soak them in apple juice overnight. (just cover the mix in apple juice. In the morning take a portion of the wet muesli mix and put it into a bowl. Add a spoon of yoghurt (cow's/goats/coconut) Then top it all off with some berries and more seeds. The wet muesli mix last for about 3 days in the fridge so make enough for a few days :) Let me know if you want more recipes :) Have you ever noticed that the more you want something the more you doubt your ability to get it?
There are moments in all of our lives when anger has taken us over. Have you ever noticed how you physically feel when you are angry? Is it a good feeling? For me, for my own physical and mental health I try to let go of anger, not to carry it with me. Sometimes it takes a bit longer than I would like but I always try and remember this is hurting me more than the people it is directed at. When I say hurting me I mean in a physical way. Anger causes toxicity in your body. Ever heard the phrase "that person is toxic!"? It's usually directed at someone who is angry at the world. In Traditional Chinese Medicine anger is the emotion linked to the liver. The liver the main organ in our body that deals with detoxification. Physiologically when angry you get an adrenaline rush, think of the hulk, don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry! He becomes superhuman in strength and destroys everything in his path. If anger is held for a long period it will push you to adrenal stress. Long term the effect this has on your body is anything from: Exhaustion Disturbed sleep Weight gain Hair loss Lowered immunity Inflammation Anger depletes your energy, physically and emotionally. Look at how your enthusiasm for the good things in life wane when you are angry. Anger consumes. You cannot move forward to the amazing things in life when you are in a state of anger. So try this simple exercise: If you are angry, stop, breathe, calm your mind(count to 10). Then ask yourself what is your goal? What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be? Next ask yourself is being angry getting you the things you want in life or is it stopping you from getting them. Now write down the things you are angry with on a piece of paper. Read them to yourself and visualise yourself letting them go, releasing them and how you feel once they are gone. Now burn the piece of paper(in a safe environment) and let it go. Remember that anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It's only hurting you and often the person you are angry with doesn't even feel the effect. Have a wonderful day and remember to do something today that will make someone else smile 😃 There are 8 main components of our digestive system. It's not all about your stomach 😃 1- mouth- well that's up to you. Chew properly. Give your digestion the best chance to digest everything properly. 2- oesophagus- sit up, don't slouch. If you have reflux, find out why don't just popping antacids. There's plenty natural remedies to help. 3- stomach - sit to eat,allow time to digest. No large amounts of water with your food, this will on impair your digestion, drink your water between meals. Drink fresh juices(mainly vegetable) live enzymes into your system and help your stomach breakdown food. 4- liver - eat bitter foods, drink lemon water, take bitter herbs. This will all help stimulate the liver to work efficiently. Daily juicing will also help, slow detox (that's 1 juice per day) 5- pancreas- the main thing you can do here is stop with the sugar. Our diets today are putting a lot of stress on our poor little pancreas. Use cinnamon,it can help the pancreas and calms sugar cravings. 6- small intestines - if you are doing all of the above this will help the small intestines. 7- large intestines- probiotics can help balance the gut bacteria. Fibre can help move matters through the bowel, drinking an average of 8 glasses a day of water will aid movement. Eating oilyfish daily or taking your essential oils will also aid movement. 8- anus - don't push it. If you are straining or pushing too hard you are likely to cause haemorrhoids. This may also be dues to weak veins. If you are doing all the above you shouldn't need to push. If you still have issues with haemorrhoids you should get checked. Any blood in the stools and you should get checked. Always ask why something is not working right before you take something to hide the symptom. Remember Keep it simple Keep it natural It will keep you healthy |
AuthorCarina Kennedy was formerly a Nurse, now a Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist living in the west of Ireland. Her passion is food, health and teaching clients to gain control of their life with simple techniques. Archives
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