Cellulite, that dimpled little monster that appears on mainly women’s thighs. It can strike anyone, any size, nearly any age leaving your skin look a little like orange peel. This common issue can really affect the confidence of many women but can be reversed. So where does this little monster come from? Causes:
Natural help:
There are many ways to work on Cellulite but the most important thing is to find out why you have it? This will then determine which of the above remedies will help you to return your skin to it’s former glory. It can take a little time so it’s best to start as early as possible and continue with some healthy routines to stay cellulite free. If you need help with Cellulite, contact Carina for an appointment, not only can she help you determine the cause but can offer the above treatments in clinic in the right combination for you. To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922
As we move into this new decade 2020, something my dad said to me struck a chord. He mentioned in passing that it is only every 101 years that we have a year like this where the first 2 numbers match the last 2 numbers – 1919, 1818, 1717 and so on. It made me think I wonder what our forefathers and mothers were on the cusp of at the time. They might have been thinking we would discover time travel by now. Each generation discovers something new, moves us on a bit further, but let’s be honest, not every new invention is progress, who remembers the Sinclair C5? I am seeing record number of people in my clinic with chronic health problems. In an era when we have an abundance of food, technology that astounds me on a daily basis, medical advancements that 50 years ago would have seem like something from a SciFi movie. So why are so many of us sick? Cancer rates are 1:2, diabetes, obesity, Inflammatory conditions, cholesterol etc etc are all on the rise. One of the things we have changed drastically, is the way we eat and what we eat. More processed than fresh, a fear of cooking, looking for the latest food fad, even Vegan has been junkified. Sometimes bringing it back to basics is just what the doctor ordered. I run 3 month programs for a very good reason. It takes that time to reset how you look at food, to learn new patterns and to be well and truly on the way to better health. Start with a simple ratio 80:20. 80% of your diet from fresh produce and 20% from products. If you need help with a health issue, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 Digestive issues are the most common thing I deal with in my clinic.
These can all be signs of a parasite infection, along with
There are a number of ways you can come in contact with a parasite
So who is at risk? Those with:
I am seeing more positive results for parasites than I used to. We used to associate parasites more with developing countries. I believe it is likely due to declining health of our digestive system, which in turn lowers our immunity and prevents our body killing off the parasite on first contact. How do you know if you have a parasite? I use a stool sample test to determine the presence of parasites. That’s where the work begins. Parasites can take time to get rid of. I use a combination of herbs and diets, working alongside your GP with specific antibiotics to target the parasite present. Then it’s all about healing he gut so that the next time a parasite won’t find it so easy to take hold If you think you may have a parasite or have a confirmed parasite and need help, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 Ok so I’m really sorry guys, you cannot put all your wives/partners/daughters/sisters anger issues down to a monthly demon that arrives at your house. Sometimes she’s just annoyed, you may even have been part of the cause! Saying that sometimes it is a case of the hormone demons taking control. Not every woman suffers big hormone swings with their cycle but for those that do there is light at the end of that very dark tunnel. I have always felt that herbal medicines combined with a good diet can make significant improvements to your hormone health. From mood swings to heavy/no cycle, and I see this on a daily basis in my clinic. It was part of my training that always fascinated me. As a Nurse I always felt we were trying to control our hormones rather than trying to balance them. This is where herbal medicines are different. Herbs are used to bring balance to region health. With hormone health it is not just about balancing your hormones, we must also look at your eliminatory pathways, digestion and liver. Herbs will always have more than one use so the skill is finding the best formula to suit your health issue. An hormone friendly diet consists of plenty of vegetables, beans, pulses, fruits, protein, healthy fats and prebiotic foods. There are a range of herbs that can help to bring balance to your hormones. Each herb has it’s own use, some will reduce a certain hormone, others will increase a certain hormone whilst others will bring hormones into balance. My favourite hormone herbs are: Vitex agnus castus – this is the queen of hormone herbs. Both helpful in hormone regulation for younger women and used for menopausal symptoms Mitchella repens – squaw vine – a favorite female herb amongst Native Americans Cimicifuga racemosa – Black cohosh – known best for menopause but useful for other cycle issues Cauloohyllum thalictoides - Blue cohosh – regulation of cylce Curcuma longa – balances all three doshas in ayurvedic medicine for certain hormone related issues Commiphora molmol – a good liver herb Angelica sinensis - also known as Dong quai - circulatory stimulant and uterine tonic Artemesia vulgaris - used for irregular cycles As always the best results are obtained under the supervision of a Herbalist. I have trained for years so you don’t have to guess. If you need help with hormone health, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 As a vegan I’ve had many trial and error moments along the way. so here are my personal top tips 1. Start with what you know! If you like a certain dish google a vegan version! There’s one out there! Trust me. 2. Cook from fresh where you can. Not only is it healthier and you’ll feel better for it, but products come and go. If you rely on a product you’ll end up in disappointment 3. Get some good cookbooks my top 11 list are: Bosh. Henry Firth & Ian Theasby Dirty Vegan Matt Pritchard vegan in 7. Rita Serano vegan treats. Emma Hollingsworth leon Fast Vegan Rachel AMA’s vegan Eats - Rachel AMA The Happy Pear Vegan Food. Saskia Fraser First time vegan. Leah Vanderveldt the New Vegan. Aine Carlin Zaika - vegan recipes from India - Romy Gill 4. Milks My top milk for coffee is Oatly barista I’m not a tea drinker but I’m always told rice milk is da bomb i tend to stay clear of soy milks, Cleese’s and yoghurts 5. Cheeses Violife sliced cheese is my favourite i stay away from hard cheese as I haven’t found one I like but there are more and more artisan vegan cheese suppliers now than ever so I might try again. Im not a fan of most of the vegan grated cheeses. Too strong in flavour. Things tend to be better without. 6. Variety is key. You need to make sure you are eating a wide variety of fresh foods to hit your nutrient targets. The biggest deficiencies tend to be Vitamin B12, omega 3, Vitamin D (but who doesn’t in Ireland?), zinc and iron heres some tips to get them in your diet Noosh- nutritional yeast Marmite Seeds- especially sesame and pumpkin Green leafy veg mid you are still low get advice from a Nutritional Therapist like myself. It may not be simply you aren’t eating the right foods, often it’s a digestive issue 7. Don’t panic. Read up, join groups on social media. Remember why you’re making this change 8. You are going to get the comments - these mainly feel like an attack on your choice but normally it’s someone defending their choice because they believe you are judging them, the Irony😳😂 - where do you get your protein from? Answer - the same place as you, the supermarket- many vegan food sources are high in protein. Watch Gamechangers - vegan diet isn’t better for the environment- erm most of the science backs up that overall vegan is better for the environment- this however may not be the reason you are vegan. Yes you’ll get the oat, soy and almond argument but they are still better than the alternative and only make up a small part of your diet, plus you can choose other dairy alternatives or not use them at all. - we aren’t meant to be vegan, you can’t get everything your body needs- I love this one, it normally comes from someone’s who’s diet is lacking so much of what their body needs. Simple answer “nooooooo! This is like the sixth sense isn’t it? I’m dead and I had no idea! Did you go to my funeral? Was it a nice service?” mainly don’t take it to heart. You don’t have to justify your choice the same as I don’t expect anyone to justify their choices to me. 9. If you are using products check the label. dairy and eggs are known allergens so will be in bold, you can see quite quickly if it in there. many vegetarian meat alternatives are not vegan - many quorn products have egg and milk, some Linda McCartney products as well 10. Get adventurous and have fun. Try new things. You’ll be amazed at how many gorgeous foods you’ve been missing out on Carina is a Nutritional Therapist, Herbalist, Naturopath and former Nurse amongst other things. As a vegan herself she loves to help people make the transition with a bit more ease. If you need help to make the switch easily contact Carina for an appointment or her Vegan in a Nutshell program. you can follow Carina @itsanaturalchoice on social media for lots of vegan recipes |
AuthorCarina Kennedy was formerly a Nurse, now a Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist living in the west of Ireland. Her passion is food, health and teaching clients to gain control of their life with simple techniques. Archives
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