Ayurvedic medicine is the form of medicine used in India for thousands of years. In ayurvedic medicine they look at the person not the disease. Ama is digestive toxins and Agni is digestive fire. The very first thing you deal with in Ayurvedic medicine is Ama and Agni. This is the same principle across most of the traditional medicines around the world. In Naturopathic medicine we would look at the gut as the root of all health and gut health imbalance as the root of ill health. It is for this reason that I focus so much on the digestion and bringing into balance. In Ayurveda you would normally start by using herbs that will strengthen the Agni (digestive fire) and then remove Ama (toxins). This will then allow you to digest and absorb nutrients efficiently. This is a method I use with great effect with clients in the clinic. Herbs to increase Agni:
Herbs to remove Ama:
Low Agni and high Ama can present in a number of ways:
If you can get the digestion working as it should and remove the buildup of toxins you can see some wonderful improvements in symptoms. If you need help with any of these issues, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922
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We are going through some strange and uncertain times at the moment with the Coronavirus, it’s all anyone can talk about.
I’m a great believer in not getting bogged down with the fear of what could happen, but to focus on what we can do to give us a more positive outcome. Fear and anxiety lower our vibration whereas hope raises it. Fear also weakens the immune system, which is something none of us want to be doing right now. So how can we do focus on the positives? Well let’s start by looking at what we can do? · Social distancing – slow the curve - There are so many theories going around a the moment, social distancing or herd immunity. The simple fact is if we expose everyone to this virus in one go our health systems will not cope and we will end up with a situation like Italy, having to choose who to try to save rather than being able to try for everyone. · Wash your hands – it is shocking how quickly you can spread a virus by touch, use good old fashion soap or hand sanitisers. · Don’t panic – hopefully by now we have stopped buying up all the toilet paper. Keep a calm head, we are all in this together going through the same thing, remember that. · Cook – yes, cook, from fresh, plenty of colour, lots of vegetables. Nutrients are your bodies building blocks, this includes your immune system, lungs and heart. Boost your resistance. Keep and eye on my social media - facebook, twitter, instagram for regular recipes to try out. · Herbs – in China we have been hearing how the use of Traditional Chinese Medicines (herbal medicines) has played a large role in their recovery rates. Some studies are finding Gingko biloba a very effective herb with the Coronavirus, I think it’s very interesting when you look at the law of similar and that the leaf of the Gingko tree looks remarkably like a lung. As herbalists we treat the person, not the symptom, there is never a one fits all solution. Irish herbalists have a wide range of herbal medicines in their dispensaries. contact me if you need a herbal consultation. · Supplements – there are a few supplements that can help your immunity – High dose vitamin C (till bowel tolerance – take increasing doses each day till your bowels loosen, then go back to the dose the day before), zinc, vitamin A & D and Probiotics. Keep calm, this will pass, we are seeing the first countries affected seeing decreasing rates of the virus now. I will be offering 30 minute consults at a reduced rate, online or over the phone for those wishing to get a tailored herbal tincture during this time. To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 I Took this image in Limerick this Saturday, it really tickled me but it also brought home how big the Corona virus story has become. With all the talk of the Coronavirus, I wanted to share some down to earth simple advice.
So the Coronavirus seems to have a lower mortality rate than the flu and many other already common health issues we face, but there are still some things we can do to boost our natural defences.
For those who have already compromised immune issues, herbal medicine can help but strictly supervised by a herbalist. Take practical steps to boosting your immunity rather than waiting for disaster to hit. If you need help with immune issues, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 Let me start by saying Autism is a superpower! Those on the Spectrum see this world very differently and individuality is needed. It comes with it’s own issues though, from mood issues, concentration, frustration, ability to interact socially etc. I am seeing an increasing number of children in my clinic on the Autism Spectrum. The numbers of cases of Autism are most definitely on the rise, so what can we do to help? Many children with Autism will have food sensory issues, a very bland, beige diet is common. This may be keeping the peace at the moment but could be causing longer lasting issues. A chronic lack of nutrients can cause lack of energy, mood issues, temper flares, poor sleep, skin issues, poor concentration. This kind of diet can also cause digestive discomfort, food intolerances, inflammation, all adding stress to a child who may already be struggling to communicate feelings. All children I see in my clinic on the spectrum also have some digestive issues. This in turn effects on one hand their absorption of nutrients and on the other creates inflammation which will create other issues. So what can we do?
This is a simplistic overview and will need to be tweaked and reviewed along the way, everyone is individual and what works well for one child another will struggle to do, the programs are always tailored to the child’s ability. What are the common outcomes I see in clinic with these changes for the child?
There may be no cure for Autism or other spectrum conditions but there is a lot we can do to help minimise the negative effects that children and adults on the spectrum have to deal with. If you need help, contact Carina for an appointment To find out more, you can contact Carina at T -(087) 0978880, E - [email protected] W - www.itsanaturalchoice.com, A - Lisnolan, Manulla, Castlebar, Co Mayo, F23 C922 |
AuthorCarina Kennedy was formerly a Nurse, now a Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist living in the west of Ireland. Her passion is food, health and teaching clients to gain control of their life with simple techniques. Archives
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